February 24-26 2023
Don’t forget to volunteer… HERE
Here’s an idea on what you’re volunteering for:
Competition Volunteer Job Descriptions:
Set up: Set up of score tables, official chairs, awards station, and computers. The meet manager will direct how they want things laid out. No experience needed.
Clean up: Taking down the event at the end of the day includes putting away or covering items for the start of the next day. At the end of the competition items will need to be taken and loaded into meet managers vehicle. No experience needed.
Score Tables: This is the best job! No experience needed, you learn a lot, and you see the event from an on deck perspective. While an event is running you input the judges scores (on paper or on a set up provided by computer). The announcer at your table will say the judges scores and you record them. Arrive to the table 15 minutes before the event starts to get a brief and easy explanation of how to input these scores. 3 table workers per event are needed. Best not to do score table while your athlete is diving. Cheer them on from the stands and volunteer when they’re not competing J
Awards: Awards table is where you receive the tallied results and write the final score on the medals or ribbons and organize them for the awards ceremony. Another great opportunity to be on deck helping, very low stress! No experience needed. Nice printing is an asset J
Announcers: One announcer per event. The announcer makes the event run smoothly and adds excitement and energy to the day! This job is best for someone who has watched a lot of dive competitions or is an experienced diving announcer. Your voice needs to be animated and you need to be confident using a microphone. Experience is necessary. If announcing is something you haven’t done but would like to try, shadow announcers at our events are always welcomed and encouraged.
Food room: Typically, one club oversees organizing the food for athletes and officials. Please watch for donation signups from the club in charge. It’s a big job and funded by BC Diving and parent donations. Food room set up, clean up, and monitoring are separate from the deck, but everyone can help.
Officials: Officials are trained by BC Diving and Dive Plongeon Canada. To learn more about becoming a trained official visit BC Diving website www.bcdiving.ca
Main Computer operator: The computer set up, event generator, and registration is done by a BC Diving trained person. If you are interested in helping or learning the system, helpers are very much welcomed and encouraged. Please email bcdiving.perfect10@gmail.com to learn more.